Sunday, September 30, 2012


"RepRap" Replicating Machines - A 3D Printer Printing a 3D Printer
Not really functional yet, but soon to be: "RepRap" Replicating Machines - A 3D Printer Printing a 3D Printer.
You can't (yet) print all the parts of a 3D Printer with your friend's 3D Printer, but we are slowly getting there...

But what you can already print is a car like this one, and yes it drives.


or that (and yes it shoots):

worlds first 3d printed gun 520x363 The worlds first 3D printed gun is a terrifying thing

Gun enthusiast “HaveBlue” has documented in a blog post (via the AR15 forums) the first test firing of a firearm made with a 3D printer. In truth, the only printed part of the gun was the lower receiver. But, according to the American Gun Control Act, the receiver is what counts as the firearm. 3D printer gun designs have been floating around the Internet for some time now, but HaveBlue seems to be the first to take it to the next level. HaveBlue used a Stratasys 3D printer to craft the part, assembled it as a .22 pistol and fired more than 200 rounds with it.

- But you could also print a full robot, such as Hexy – Open-Source, Low-Cost Hexapod
ArcBotics’ Hexy the Hexapod is a fully articulated hexapod robot kit. Hexy has six legs, 19 servo motors and is powered by Arduino, while maintaining a price 4-10x less expensive than current hexapod robots. It makes complex robotics lest costly, easier to learn with the full tutorials and documentation, while being radically more fun (and cute!). At the same time its built with completely open source hardware and software, making discovery and extension as easy as building it in the first place.

And more:

- Dental: Not only the teeth, but the replacement bone as well! (Although the process of 3D Printing metal is still a bit too complex for your desktop...)

ODD's Atom 3D printed guitar
- "Atom 3D" printed guitar: 'a Les Paul style guitar with an internal atom with spinning electrons'. Guitarists of the Pete Townshend school wouldn't be impressed, but their managers would be. The Who's pioneering instrument-smasher could find he's met his match with one of the bespoke nylon-bodied guitars made by Olaf Diegel, professor of mechatronics at Massey University in Auckland, New Zealand, an exponent of 3D printing. His zany guitar bodies are created using computer-aided design (CAD) software, output in one piece on an EOS 3D printer. This is the new world of additive manufacturing. "You could throw one against the wall without worrying about it breaking," said Diegel, who will begin selling the guitars online at the end of June.
Their robustness might be music to a band manager's ears. But perhaps more notable is how Diegel makes the instruments, which are attracting interest from around the world. "The old style of [subtractive] manufacturing is you start with a block and cut away the material you don't need. With this you start with nothing and add material one layer at a time until the object is finished."

- Of course, 3D Printing is great for 3D Modeling, and 3D Art.  here is the example of a scaled version of an industrial facility, and the most incredible is that *you* could produce something quite similar, if you wanted, with equipment you could buy for a couple thousand dollars. This is a gas plant, replicated with all of its glorious detail as a scaled model.

- But it can get pretty practical too:

Unveiled by EADS (European Aerospace and Defence Group), the Airbike is "grown" with nylon powder using a process called additive layer manufacturing, which is similar to standard 3D printing but with the added benefit of laser-sintering to reinforce the structure. This way the parts can save up to 65 percent in weight while retaining the same strength (of steel or aluminum in this case), and apparently Airbus was quick to pick up this technology well before everyone else (hence named Airbike, in its honor). It's all well and good, except EADS does say there's still some way to go before we can print our own custom Harley-Davidson bikes without breaking our banks.

- As early as February 2011, Dutch fashion designer Iris van Herpen revealed her 3D printed Escapism couture collection, the beginning of a new age in the world of fashion. Since, she has showcased her 3D printed collection on catwalks and venues around the world. Let's admit, it's perhaps not the most practical wear, at least in this form, but a lot more practical is possible as well.

3D Printed Car, Houston Power Commuter, Marius Flitar
- This 3D car, the "Houston Power Commuter", a creation of Marius Filtar, is a two-people 12V electric city roadster. The car has a carbon fiber shell, super strong tube chassis, and full personalization with custom printed 3D body panels and exterior parts, spoilers and a retractable roof.

- Honoring people:  Stephen Colbert gets his face 3D printed on live television.  Makerbot’s Bre Pettis visited the Colbert Report TV show to discuss 3D printing and made Colbert’s face appear layer by layer on his Thing-O-Matic 3D Printer.


3D Printing Explained - Infographic

Part of the Technological Convergence in the post-2012, 3D printing is a game changer. Most importantly, because it will allow about anyone interested in doing so to join the bandwagon for a very, very small investment. Billions of dollars will be made (actually, to be really accurate, trillions will be made), and you, like anyone else with the brains to understand what is happening, and the desire to benefit from it, could get a share of that bounty.  The following infographic is a great introduction to the magic of 3D printing. The figures relating to industry growth and future industry growth are sourced from the Wohlers Report 2011. It would make for great reading, but unfortunately would put you in the red for $495.

InfoGraphic 3DPrint explained v3 3D Printing Explained [Infographic]

So, instead of the Wohler Report, have a look at the latest Wikipedia entry on 3D Printing:


The main point to understand here is simple: 

1/ 3D Printing will touch - and change - everything.  It's one of the world-changing technologies of the "Post 2012 Technological Convergence". Along with Algae and Spintronics.

2/ Right now, 3D Printing is a wide-open field. Anyone so inclined can jump on the steamroller of History, with a good chance to profit wildly.

Anyone, that could include *you*!




For now, this blog's ambition is limited, allowing you to familiarize yourself with "The Magic of 3D Printing", a key component of "The "Post 2012 Technological Convergence, and to follow the latest related news.

However, soon enough we will follow examples like this:
Kickstarter project Printrbot raises the unbelievable amount of USD$830,827

so to allow people to produce things like that:
